Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Learning as I GO

Another season of Girls on the Run is upon me.  This is my fifth season and I have to say if the first practice is any indication, this is going to be the best season yet.  Those of you that followed my previous blog have heard about my experiences with GOTR before. One of the things I like most about coaching is that I learn more about myself each time I coach. 

When I started this blog it wasn't just about getting physically healthier.  GOTR not only trains girls to run a 5K, but it teaches them to live a complete healthy life: physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I think each season I learn a little more about myself with each lesson.  I am there to help these girls and serve as a role model.  With that, I have to practice what I preach.  So, as I hopefully get more healthy physically, I'm hoping to also get more healthy in all areas of my life. 

As our ending cheer says...Girls on the Run is SO MUCH FUN!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

Ok, not really. 

I had great intentions every day to come home and blog about either what I ate or what I did and then proceeded to not blog. 

I've been faithful to working out and then this weekend happened.  First off, why is it so blasted hot?!  Come on Mother Nature, give us a break already!  September is supposed to be the time for apple picking, crisp mornings, sweaters, football games (not that I attend any, but still), and so on.  Instead, we have record highs and high humidity. 

I just couldn't imagine getting up and running this morning so instead I walked down to the local Farmer's Market and bought some yummy stuff.  I got an incredible chocolate cinnamon roll (seriously, if I had known it was going to be that good, I would have purchased every one she had) and some fresh basil, tomatoes, and peaches.  And possibly a couple of rolls. 

And did I mention that I went to a wedding last night where I pretty much ate whatever I wanted?  No?  I guess I was hoping that not mentioning it would mean I didn't intake those calories.  To counteract that, I did some Zumba and circuit training at home. 

This weekend is going to include lots of not so good food, so look forward to my posts on how to fix that next week!